Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

cochlear hair cells (pair)

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Home page TNA partonomy
Top level nervous system
Level 2 vestibulocochlear organ (pair) Short Extended
Level 3 internal ear (pair) Short Extended
Current level cochlear hair cells (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
62364 31487 8803
cochlear hair cells (pair) ; cochleocytes (pair)
cochleocyti (par)
8803 8803
# cochlear hair cell; cochleocyte
# cochleocytus
9261 9261
cuticular plate of cochlear hair cell; cuticular plate of cochleocyte
lamina cuticularis
62367 30098 9262
stereocilia of cochlear hair cell; stereocilia of cochleocyte
30138 9263
rows of stereocilia of cochlear hair cell; rows of stereocilia of cochleocyte
ordines stereocilii
28483 9264
stereociliary links of cochlear hair cell ; stereociliary links of cochleocyte
vincula stereociliaria cochleocyti
27919 9271
tip links of cochlear hair cell; tip links of cochleocyte
vincula apicalia cochleocyti
30664 9273
side links of cochlear hair cell; side links of cochleocyte
vincula lateralia cochleocyti
30669 9274
inter-row links of cochlear hair cell; inter-row links of cochleocyte ▲
vincula interordinalia cochleocyti
30670 9276
attachment links of tectorial membrane of cochlear duct of internal ear
vincula adhesionis membranae tectoriae
9277 9277
insertion plaque of stereociliary link of cochlear hair cell; insertion plaque of stereociliary link of cochleocyte
lamina insertionis vinculi stereociliaris cochleocyti
62365 31522 9280
inner hair cells (pair); internal cochleocytes (pair)
cochleocyti interni (par)
62366 31526 9285
outer hair cells (pair); external cochleocytes (pair)
cochleocyti externi (par)
9285 9285
# outer hair cell; external cochleocyte
# cochleocytus externus
31529 9288
subsynaptic cistern (pair)
cisterna subsynaptica (par)
15 lines
68.0 %
100.0 %
14 partial items
9 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8803
Number of children 8 (validated)
Number of units 3 (validated)
Generic children 3
Signature 1165 (validated since 31.3.2018)
Date: 10.09.2021